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Blue Monkey artist Anne Barrell writes, “I very much enjoyed the David Kefford talk at Towner on Wednesday. Part of what he talked about was the importance of artists support networks and about how through this you become connected to the wider art world. There was also discussion around making your own luck, talking to other artists and curators, networking and taking opportunities as they present themselves. The flipside to this was focusing on yourself as an artist – Quotes for this week: “It’s good to be embarrassed by your work“, “It’s good to touch the edges of the human condition” and “Drawing is a wonderful way for me to have a stream of consciousness- to get stuff out of my head

Anne wasn’t the only artist who enjoyed meeting David. A total of 6 artists had 1-2-1 consultations with David about their practices. Without exception they all came away with very positive feelings – “encouraging supportive and valuable conversation“, “really enjoyed the 1 to 1 chat today – very thought provoking” and “he was very helpful and has enabled me to understand my work a lot better”. Thanks David!