I like this image, a friend of mine took the photo and i've combined it with some of my own images and some text that probably can't be read. I like the way he looks quite wild it reminds me of something i read in a book that went…

"We ourselves are genetically wild rather than domesticated…we are also tame…conditioned to accept the human environment…We are wild but tamed by television, controlled by captain clock, hemmed in by routine and obediance to petty convention…you see it in the streak of sheer wild sanity in the eyes of the supposedly mad"

I agree with this idea that enclosing people is going to drive them mad and like the thought that the people we call mad are actually the sane ones :-)

I've used the Gum Arabic transfer technique on this again, layering up the images to give an overall subtle effect. I like the results though am a little unsatisfied, i think i am missing the fun of etching and the texture it creates that you just don't get with paper lithography. N