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The oPenn House exhibition proved rather a success – the intrigue of the house (being an old Rowntree residence) was a big advantage in that it brought people from miles around. I had brilliant feedback, and the atmosphere on the day was powerful. I wallpapered the entrance and asked people to leave their comments on the way out and i had some lovely messages. This was my first proper curatorial project, and i have to say i rather enjoyed it. However, i had also created much of the art in the house, and perhaps that is why?!

I opened the show for just one day due to stewarding issues and school commitments, but did take a couple of tours around but as some of the digital works had had to come down, the magic and atmosphere was somewhat lost, and i’m glad that we were a one day wonder – it adds more intrigue and discussion!

The School is winding down for the year now, and its all go… just one week left before i start my summer – not holidays – my plan is to really crack on with some work and make the most of the space!