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Organised Chaos

Thursday was performance day! I left writing a few days to leave some time between the making and reflecting. On Thursday morning I live streamed putting my make-up on as Penny Arcade. I forgot how long it takes for me to actually get into her character and the set-up time required in the bathroom. My flat looked liked organised chaos. I performed the piece four times with the last runs being the most successful even though I could still improve on them. In my last post I wrote that I was less interested in ‘refinement’, however watching the video’s back I can’t help but pick out all the minor faults in my performance. It was torturous watching them back. I let someone else view the work and that helped me see which video was the best and highlighted the one annoying mistake in it. For this reason I need to go through the whole ritual again. The piece is very lo-fi, although I don’t want a silly mistake to disrupt the quality of the work. I plan to do another day of rehearsals and videoing on Sunday. This still means I have to keep rehearsing the script between now and then to keep the words fresh in my mind. The lighting in the bathroom is still niggling away at me, could I get brighter bulbs for the ceiling?


Audio clips set to start, test

Video framing correct

Lighting placed

Marker in corridor

Wig and make-up check before each performance

Wedding rings off

Use all three intro cards

Final rehearsals

Set-up bathroom ready for videoing

Rehearsal part 1 & 2

Change into outfit

Put on make-up as Penny Arcade

Dress Rehearsal

Play back and review

Final performance