Viewing single post of blog AirSpace Graduate Residency

Since my arrival in Stoke my thoughts have been dominated by idiosyncratic gardening, ceramics, foodstuffs (in particular bread + oatcakes!) and the way all 3 overlap with lifestyle programming and the foreign.  I have started in the studio trying to bring these disparate threads of thought together.

I am currently attempting to make popcorn from scratch (having been mulling over the idea that corn is to Mexico what oats are to Stoke….. how do we think of corn here?). Plus I am attempting to teach myself how to work with clay….starting simple with making my own gravel….for my yarden. I have gotten hold of some clay samples and am using this exercise as an opportunity to get a feel of their different properties. I have thus far tried simple ‘modelling clay’ and ‘pink grogged clay’. I have hopes of moving onto casting and tile making soon….