Viewing single post of blog Alex Pearl is not in the Antarctic

I had a day off yesterday and went to visit a couple of friends who are holidaying nearby. We went for short walks, ate and drank well and talked about shows and stuff. They are starting a residency at Wysing Arts early next year and will be taking a new baby and 3 year old with them (and I get stressed when I have two small shows in the same month). When I got home I'd had a very enthusiastic email from some young artists setting up a new online art mag called Refutation. They want to commission me to make some new work for the first issue in response to the statement { The failures of the ‘human condition’ VS the computer/digital } The deadline is mid September and as usual I haven't a clue what to do, or even what the statement means. But despite being wildly cynical, I haven't got where I am today by saying no to anything.