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I had to drive to Bury st Edmunds today to return some tvs to the gallery. When I got out of the car I had sweated so much it looked like I had wet my pants. I had to mince into the gallery carrying said tvs and simultaneously try not to turn my back on anyone. Alison and Craig were setting up the next show The Beguiling which opens tomorrow. There were lots of interesting things some hung, some half unpacked from crates. I left with the image of Alison's arm poking through a hole in the gallery ceiling 25 feet above me.

At home I am just sitting around still trying to think of ideas to do with "The failures of the ‘human condition’ VS the computer/digital" – bloody title, I might do something about sweating and preferring my online life to my real one.

I am reading Michael Bracewell's St Rachel, its strange how a book picked more or less at random seems so appropriate.