Viewing single post of blog Alex Pearl is not in the Antarctic

Instead of making my usual pilgrimage to London I decided to head north this weekend to see a show by Lucy Harrison at Norwich Outpost. So for a third of the fare for the same distance I washed up in Norwich, literally it was tipping it down. Admittedly as far as getting your money's worth goes there are fewer galleries in Norwich (as far as I know its just Outpost now) but the shows there are invariably good. I was even moved to write a review as I really liked the books on show. Its a bit rambly and oblique but I've never wanted to write properly. Anyway I need the practice as, inexplicably, Josie Faure Walker at Space emailed me asking me to come along to ‘Schematic: New Media Art from Canada’ to write about it. I will probably fail miserably to think of anything to say, or hate it, or get in a mood and not turn up. We shall see.

In the studio I managed to make a sort of landscape viewer for the show of starscapes, landscapes and interiors I'm having with Andrew Vass in March. Its only in Sproughton which has to qualify as the middle of nowhere but I'm using it as an opportunity to put together a new body of spectacular work (I think that's the word). Some of the work is up on another bloody blog, www.shedchat.blogspot.com