Viewing single post of blog Alex Pearl is not in the Antarctic

I've been to BCA gallery three times in the last month now. Just popping backwards and forwards dropping work off and talking to Eva about how to hang the show. Its quite odd looking back through work made last year (although I have added the odd bit since) I've designed the invite card (twenty two versions) and agonised over the merits of correct grammar vs the poetic (in my mind). I've given Eva a list of galleries to schmooze, which she has started to do already. Eva is very tenacious and not willing to be put off by aloof British ways. I feel sorry for them. I've had things framed and stressed about the relative merits of reflective and non reflective glass. I've thought about shelves and relationships between different works. Luckily I will run out of time soon and just bung everything up. At the same time I'm about to set up a very local show with a friend of mine (Andrew Vass). It has no title now because the gallery owner didn't understand the one we proposed, and a bizarrely secret opening party. Anyway, I've designed the invite card. I've had things framed and stressed about the relative merits of reflective and non reflective glass. I've thought about shelves and relationships between different works. Luckily I will run out of time soon and just bung everything up. The next post will be more interesting I promise.