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Oh dear another long gap between posts. The days just seem to be slipping away from me. I never made it to the Hunterian, a domestic plague of frogs descended upon me and I was still finding the little buggers in my pants for days. I have been to Bath since then to see the space at ICIA. its a sort of foyer leading up to the University’s postgraduate lounge. Dan and Owen have given me a 3D virtual model of the space so I can plan out my ideas. So far I have managed to accidentally turn it inside out and somehow got stuck in one of the walls. I have a rough plan of what I want to do which mostly involves sticking up the tracings I made from the Antarctic survey website and making people use toy telescopes to find my tiny sculptures. On the way home I was starving but didn’t want to ask the woman next to me to move. So I made a deal with myself that I would wait until she had finished her soup before going to the buffet car. She turned out to be one of those people who takes tiny, tiny sips interspersed with long pauses and even stops to do the crossword. The soup level didn’t drop significantly in an hour. But once made, a deal can’t be broken.

On Monday we went to London, (me and Annabel) to do something I haven’t done in a while. We were dropping off work for one of those open competitions you have to pay for the privilege of entering. We know one of the selectors (well Annabel does) so I was hoping that it wouldn’t be as much of a lottery as these things usually are. Mounted in a hurry using masking tape (not a good idea) one of the drawings slipped repeatedly to the bottom of the frame and we had to make two emergency repair stops. The second in a diy shop full of bemused looking men in overalls. Firmly glued in place with carpet tape the never to be moved again drawing made it to the handing in depot on time.

“remove you wrapping first”

“where is your second form?”

“if you get in this number will be posted on the website on Friday”

Later we went to the Royal Academy to pick up a friend’s rejected work. Down a urine-scented ramp we found several disdainful students and a few faux cheerful artists negotiating more paperwork. We sneaked a look at the list of rejects.