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Following on from my painting of David Tenant AKA Dr Who (see finished picture below), I decided to use a smaller canvas to depict Rose Tyler; his Companion. This is an important image towards the end of a series. It marks her last appearance in Dr Who. The image depicts the moment at which Rose Tyler is separated from the Dr in a parallel universe. The two characters put their faces to the wall resting for a moment. As the Dr slowly walks away, Rose sobs.

After reading an article about an artist Henry Hudson who sculpts his paintings out of plasticine I was inspired to try and bring more texture to my work. With this painting I wanted to use an impasto approach. I have long been a fan of the style of layering on paint with a palette knife and decided to try it on a small canvas. I wanted to utilise my pink base by leaving chunks showing through. I used a mixture of broad brush strokes and thicker daubs of paint applied with the palette knife. I used finer brushes around details such as the eyes but with the hair and face I wanted large clumps of paint to emphasize the emotion. I wanted the emphasis to be more upon colour, pattern and line. With Rose’s jumper I used block colour and single lines of blue, leaving the pink background peeking through to the surface. More attention was paid to Rose’s face which I want to be the main focus.

I have prepped another large canvas with a guesso base, mixed with a green which I made up beforehand. I wanted something a little more muted in tone but I am always drawn to bright colours so I went ahead with a vibrant Apple Green shade. I am still sourcing the images for this but I intend to have four separate images on this canvas, all facing the centre.