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After a busy few hours filling in holes in the wall, sanding and two fresh coats of white paint, my Degree Show space was ready. I was chuffed at having been given the corridor outside of the studios which is flooded with lots of natural light through the skylights, high above.

I thought about various configurations of arranging my paintings: smaller pieces on the outside, larger paintings on the outside. I looked at pairing them by colour or subject. In the end I found my collection of smaller paintings looked most effective in one continuous line, not broken up by a large one in the centre. I had originally planned to put Rose Tyler: Defender of the Earth on a wall oposite the rest, however soon changed this to partner this with my larger piece.

 I took the decision not to include my final painting WE. I realised this was not as strong a piece of work as my others or at least it seemed out of context. It looked more like a study, being that it was a mixture of expressions with a lot more of the background visable. While my other works focus zoomed in on the one expression, this seemed to have too much on the one canvas. Once I had removed this painting from the selection it seemed to flow more easily.