Thursday 23rd

Spend morning running round tying up loose ends. Then work with 'K' to make some jewelery in the workshops. We then both head to the ARC event at aspex.

'Book' still missing…………………. foyer very empty


Wednesday 22nd

People start to 'miss' the 'book' as its become to be known and ask me to put it back. I have to explain that is not been moved but taken and an official inquiry is started!. I suggest half heartedly and a bit sarcastically that CSI would solve it within 56 minutes with 'super software'! Some people tell me i should feel flattered that its been taken, as people have tried to 'buy' them where they are on show. ( I refused to 'label' the work at any of the 6 places)

It may still show up…….

Start making labels for A Lot Ment on Sunday 2nd Sept, an aspex 'explore' event here in Portsmouth.

have a look at…


Make 'jewelery' in afternoon with 'K'


Tuesday 21st

Sad day.

Intervention 'cut book, cutting words for a dyslexic' no 1 is 'taken' from foyer of the Art College……..

This leaves only 3 of the six left in place arround the country.


Friday 17th

Momentous day – actually get into workshops and start making……………..

Spend evening out till very late plotting intervention event in London later in the year


Wednesday 15th

Catch train to London for informal chat with a potential funder for AP. Meet another artist who invites me to collaborate and screen some of my films on his Internet TV station. Will do that..more later. Catch quite a late train home. Sit in London for some of the day, the feelings remind me of when i was at university, in those days i was a very solitary person, even with all these people passing and the buzz but you can still feel isolated and very 'alone'. Everyone caught in their own world. Guess I am tired.