Viewing single post of blog And now… time for pirouettes

We have posters ready to send to printers for our degree show. It took a while but everything has been organised now, just need to do vinyls stickers for gallery space and window.

If you are in Brighton between the 3rd and 10th July you are very welcome to come and see our show at the Grand Parade campus in town.

Catalogue for my degree show is now with graphic designer so hopefully I will be able to send it to the printers in couple of weeks. I hope all looks good. I have only inclueded sculpture and drawings, leaving performance and video work out. As my performance and video are not very well documented, I only wanted to put together work that works together and that I feel more strong about. In the other hand, now I will have to do a little leaflet book with the performances and video of this year for my assesment but hopefully that it won’t take much time.

I have been in touch with someone in Cambridge who is going to help me with the electronics to exhibit the monkey. The monkey will be programmed with a series of movements or by using sensors and in relation to the viewers. It will be located inside a plinth with an acrylic box on top, like a urn.

I will also exhibit La mujerzuela, (The floozy) on top of a low white plinth. Which I have to make too! But I still have a month left to present work and although I have essays to do and more assesment work to get ready; I will like to create something new for the show.

I have been suggested to make work (probably sculpture) about the Nigerian girls that have been kidnapped to keep them out of education and I’m considering this.

I’m currently working on a presentation for next Tuesday so I do hope as soon as I finish this, I will be able to lock myself in the studio and start preparing for the show…

Hopefully monkey will be travelling to Cambridge for a electronic surgery but I have to bear in mind all the fixings to the plinth so not sure where to start.

I will trust that everything is going to be okay and I’m going to keep working hard until it is all over in the course and beyond… (health permiting)

And then that question that everyone seems to be asking at the same time… what are you goint to do after? and that some days I answered with energy and positiviness and some others I’m not sure what to say… surviving and living I guess like until now…

I hope to be posting pictures of work in progress for the show very soon!!!

I want to make again… I must.