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Sunday’s photo shoot not as productive as I’d hoped, the Super 8 stock was more suited to gloomy conditions rather than the sunny day we had (decided not to risk it, too expensive) and the prom had far too many visitors to get many (empty) landscape shots.

Managed to get some photos of the strange, modernist cadet look out building will hopefully translate well into the archive book: a sense of incongruity in the setting, foreboding of an uncertain future (now passed), a bleak otherness inherent within the dated architectural lines.

The making process using 35mm film seemed far less comfortable then when using medium format. I have become used to the scrutiny and singularity of vision that comes with the limit shots and options of these cameras. 35mm (and digital) SLRs overwhelm with choice – to capture everything and anything just seems too much and the possibilities drown each other out. The quieter format seems to suit me (and the subject) much better right now… slows things down enough to think.