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Henri Rousseau i have come to realise is a big inspiration for me, i have looked at his work for years now, back when i was doing my GCSE’s i used one of his paintings in my work as i like the way it was done, it was simple yet you can still tell which each element is, the painting i used was Surprised! Tiger in a Tropical Storm. I didn’t know the term naive art when i looked at Rousseau years ago but to me that didn’t matter, i don’t like work based on the term it is called, i like work because of how it appeals to me, and Henri Rousseau’s work appeals to me. While looking at him again years later i still like his work and now knowing how are works are similar with them both being naive i like it even more as i can relate to it better. I’m looking at him again not only because his work is naive but also because he uses animals in his work which is my biggest inspiration with art.