Currently in the 3rd Yr of a Fine Art degree at Hereford College of Art. I became editor of our student magazine ‘Palette’ at the end of my 1st year and re-started it.

I’d love to hear from other art magazine (print & online) editors to swap tips because I’m always looking for ways to improve the magazine and how it comes together.

Palette is print & online (


I have recently talked to the 1st year of the contact course and 1st year BA (Hons) Illustrators.

As a result of talking to the Illustrators I’ve had 1 submission for the next edition.

Contact course have recently made and painted vases and they agreed to having them photographed, which I did with the help of a talented first year (degree level) photographer, Paul Jillard. We’ve got some great shots and now is the task of deciding which image to send to Karl, the next issues Designer.

While in the library yesterday I was talking to Matthew Day, who’s on the Contemporary Applied Arts (degree) course and he’s interested in being on the Palette team, so that’s good news. The more people we have looking out for work and articles to go into the mag the better.


As there are lots of exciting things going on at Hereford college of Arts, my aim is to get a lively selection of it into the newsletter and on the Palette magazine online blog.

At HCA there are now two campus’ – both in Hereford – Folly Lane HE and FE students use this site but it is the FE base. College Road is the base for HE students.

As an HE student I come into contact with those on other degree courses on a daily basis. I’m aware of the variety of FE courses:

Contact Course (2 years)

Diploma in Art and Design (1 year)

Extended Diploma in Art and Design

Diploma in Performing Arts (1 term)

Extended Diploma in Performing Arts (1 year)

Extended Diploma in Music (2 years)

Foundation Diploma in Art and Design (1 year)

The Portfolio Course (1 year)

But don’t really know what they are up to. Thinking I might not be alone, and that others around college might also be interested I have started going to talk to different courses.

I started within my own campus talking to Graphics and Illustration students. Talking briefly before a ‘Gravity’ lecture, when the crafts (degree – Artist Blacksmithing, Contemporary Applied Arts & Jewellery Design) cluster have a visiting speaker.

So, I’ve started at the top of the list. I went to talk to the 2nd year Contact course today – this took a fair bit of juggling so I could see them relatively soon as they are busy with Performances and I’ve 2 shows coming up, which takes me away from Hereford)

I received a very warm welcome and I talked with them about what they are doing now, before showing them a bit about my own work (so they know something about me) and then discussed Palette magazine and what they might put in it. They are sending me photo’s and a reveiw of their panto. Also, they have been making there own ceramic painted vases and the idea is to get a student photographer to artfully photograph them (white background?) and we’ll use that image on the cover (gotta get it looking great then!) And I need to find a willing photographer. I’m in the right place for this (HE have a 2 year Commercial Photography course plus a a full Degree in Photography at College Road.

Next week I’m talking with the first year of the contact course and I need to start arranging to talk to Extended Diploma students.

I am focussing my efforts on:

~ Meeting up with Magazine team – existing Graphic Designer, Sam, handing over to new (2nd Year Graphics Degree) guy, Karl, myself and our student liason officer. To get the next issue design coming along.

~ Talking to more FE courses, but also now need to think about talking to 1st year degree students about the Magazine, focussing on finding an editor to take over to replace me. My days at HCA are now numbered with less than a semester to go now.

~ Giving the FE students more of a presence in the Mag.

~ More of a drive to encourage students to blog on Palette online.

My presenting / communicating skills are being really tested by talking to students of many different abilities and stages of their education. I am enjoying each session where I discuss the Magazine more each time and the hard work is rewarding when there’s a good variety to print.



A new Palette magazine is hot off the press!

We have the printed newsletter and online versions ready now (see


We’re getting to the stage when the next issue is ready to go to print.

We’re calling this issue ‘The Progression Issue’ and it has 16 pages. Both Sam (Graphic Designer) and myself have had a lot to deal with personally in the autumn term, along with third year workload, for me it was a family loss and moving house (and in a different town). We had intended to get the issue out in October, so it feels late, but it’s better than not at all.

I may have already mentioned, but Sam and I are both final year students on our degrees and so we’re looking for students to step into our roles. A graphics second year student has come forward to do the Graphics for the next issue, which is fab.


As you might imagine, it’s takes a fair amount of discipline to get the hours to edit and promote the student newsletter. And now, working with others, the balance with getting the next magazine out in good time, yet prioritising academic, reflective and practical work. The other, very significant part of this is managing others, while being considerate of their workloads too.

My partner on the Palette magazine team, Sam, who does the Graphics is also a final year student, so we are both doing the magazine around studies.

My plan to improve this situation is to have guest editor &/ graphic designer teams, co-ordinated by myself too (until I can find a replacement, as my course finishes in 6 months).