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Broken reflections


Happily I find myself with an unexpected extra day to work on Tuesday 5th March.  Virtuously thinking I would take this day to the DIY that needs doing: fixing the boxing around the now fixed leaky pipes, I arrived at the timber merchants and found I had forgotten my measurements….. so I bought some off cuts instead and decided to make some work.


Making that decision  brought joy to my heart, the boxing can wait.   I  dedicated the whole day to making! Hurray.  A woman’s day present to myself.  The balance between the domestic work, care work  and artistsic work is a challenge even though I am no angel in the house.


Which in turn meant I could spend a good chunk of time  online making applications and registering for opportunities. So I have a place in the Kensington and Fulham Open Art Spaces once again, and am waiting to hear from the others.


So the freedom of the week with the extra work day allowed me time to think about ways of symbolising the ephemeral nature of story and how it offers us glimpses into ourselves:  The broken reflective surface of the gild symbolises the way our stories offer an incomplete and impartial version of ourselves at a personal level, and still the preciousness and frailty of those stories at a social level.   This piece is for Padma.

It also allowed me to mess about with colour, prime the boards I bought at the timber merchant and mess about with my daughters type writer experimenting with ways of combining text gild and paper, the type providing an indented surface.

I am currently playing with new ways to combine selected quotes from the stories collected so far with images.