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At the Meet the Artist event at the Thames:The ARTery of London all the messages in the bottle went, I filled the bag again yesterday and there are now a few left and a few more days of the show for you to pick one up. The show is open 11-6 daily until the 18th Devon House StKatharine’s Way, StKatharine Docks, London E1 Nearest public transport: Tower Hill, Wapping and Tower Gateway

I then have the deliciousness of waiting to see how many messages come back, like a small child sending out a message hopefully, how many will return? There is no time limit so how long will it be? How much will be revealed?

In my practice this week I have been researching for a proposal, photographing for Plastic Propaganda and looking at the location for a possible pop-up shop, as well as the delight of meeting people at Meet the Artist.