The etching press is now installed upstairs in the 20th century gallery. It is wonderful. I have already taken a series of conte crayon drawings and develped them into rich, soft edged monotypes. I used dampened paper and they are so densely black. My studio space is looking creative, lively and I feel at home there. Might bring a radio in and have it on quietly 9 radio 4, naturally). The museum hush is deafening.

It is fun to strike up incidental conversations with people from places like Surrey, Scotland, Sydney, and Brussels. On Tuesday I chatted to a man from Barnt Green, Worcestershire, who knew exactly where I was born!

The track lighting over the press is great, the window overlooking Worcester Cathedral divine, and the Air Conditioning switch very handy for the summer heat. The local press have been in to take my photograph.. so really, we are up and running! Come and see me!