TV studios this afternoon and this evening. Some teams are stronger than others, for sure, and I think the key to that has been to be really clear about how they have decided to work together – either by doing their own thing and bringing it together, or by concentrating on building their team.

The point is, always, to be clear about your team goals. Sounds like management-speak but it makes complete sense.

A bunch of us went to see off the winners on their balloon trip yesterday evening, only to find that two of them were still working and had handed their flights over to others. One of the others had work to do too, so I jumped at the chance to hitch a ride.

Never taken a balloon ride before and it was GLORIOUS.We landed in a field by a small family’s homestead – and the look of wonder on the seven year old daughter’s face was a joy. She was very shy, so I didn’t catch it in a picture.

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Watch the second Artothlon TV commercial.

We only got it this afternoon – it looks more erotic than life really is…

Ania and I were having a private discussion in my room and in comes Skirmatas, the cameraman, asking for some footage.

We said no for nearly ten minutes and he looked like he was going to cry – and be sacked if he didn’t get any to take back to the TV people.

So we gave him some lezzie action – thinking it wouldn’t be used.

It was. I’m not sure whether this puts the TV production people up in my estimation or not. But the whole thing is as camp as Christmas.

It was mashed potato (and pork) this evening for dinner and it was a joy.

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Some early thoughts on collaboration.

Had a chat with Eero last night -we were talking about brainstorming and how, if you’re used to it, it’s easy to not realise that many people haven’t been taught the basics – you know, every idea is heard, none are criticised, you’re safe to be as outlandish or far-fetched as it comes and so on.

He explained how so much valuable time can be wasted with ‘this probably seems like a stupid idea’ or ‘you’re probably not going to like this’ – sound familiar?

I’ve done much brainstorming over the years, in professional situations where I’m brainstorming ideas alongside people I don’t know. I’m used to it.

But Eero pointed out that art is different, since when you offer up an idea, you’re offering up something quite deep inside of you – it’s a little bit of your soul, really.

So it’s important that people feel safe.

He stressed to me the importance of getting to know the people you’re working with – so that you can trust each other, before any brainstorming on projects can begin.

If I’ve learned one thing this week, it’s that it’s easy to assume too much – and that proper time needs to be spent between you, to feel comfortable and familiar and safe with the people you’re working with.

Eero’s done much collaborative art work over the years and I think there’s an awful lot to learn from him – and from the experience of this project.

I also learned today that the KGB really did some nasty stuff. I knew this in the abstract, but the KGB museum in Vilnius really does knock the hard facts into your head.

A free organ concert in the baroque St Casimir Church this lunchtime was packed, with people standing and sitting on the floors once the pews were full up. Uplifting.


A quick note to show that I haven’t disappeared – it feels like I’m just not contributing to this blog in the same way that I’d set out to do – for all sorts of reasons.

Film club tonight. It might be a one off, but it’s got to be worth a shot. Not entirely sure what we’re showing yet -we have a couple of options, but the important thing is to have an event that’s hopefully entertaining, comfy and most of all, free.