Viewing single post of blog Artothlon, Summer 2009

Three things that happened today:

1. Just now at dinner, the new boy, Darius (filmmaker) was practicing his English. It’s not strong but he likes to make the effort. He says – Fiona – that’s a beautiful name.

Do you think so? Says I. Oh yes, he says. I know a Fiona – Hollywood.

Oh – what’s her name, says me.

He says the name of a film but I can’t catch with the pronunciation. She is very beautiful, says Darius.

I look puzzled, since I didn’t catch the name. Monica (who could pass for Angelina Jolie) asks him again for the film or the actress. It’s Shrek.

You are beautiful too, he says. On the inside.

He was all set to carry on this line of discussion but I asked Monica to ask him to stop right there. Eero decided to move all the knives.

2. I’m writing, a few people are having lunch in the communal area (lounge would be too strong a word) and a Lithuanian folk singing competition is on the TV. Andreia’s talking on the phone in the backround. The ads come on and Justin shouts to Andreia to pipe down as we can’t hear the ad.

It’s the ad for Artothlon and we’re all on it. Who could have imagined that a few months ago.

3. Saulius parks his car at a 30 degree angle – always. It’s embarrasingly bad. This morning at the laser firm, I can’t bear to walk out of it jutting that far into the road. He gives me the key and I park his car. We meet Donatus the director – sorry about that, I say, I was just parking Saulius’ car.

Why? It was sticking out into the middle of the road.

Donatus is puzzled, and asks – is that an English thing, to be concerned with how a car is parked?