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Here are a couple of works created in the studio last year, it was around a time when i was using a lot of found objects and creating sculptural pieces with a quick and playful way of arrangement. These two works were recognizing a materials properties and how it can be used to do a job in creating a basic structure. Also I was considering how the objects were used prior to my intervention and keeping these roles active; the video tape is wound around in a continuous loop, the hoover tube is pressed against the door seeming to hold it upright through suction.
The reason I've posted these up is I went to a talk the other night hosted by artist Vanessa Billy, hearing her talk about similar starting points in her installations; material qualities, connotations, arrangement within a space, it made me think back to these works and elevated them as artworks for me. Maybe its because they were products of experimentation within the studio and never exhibited, i don't know, but there has been a definite addition of levels with recent work, a lot more of a narrative and factors of site specificity to make my work feel whole when now i don't know if this was massively important.