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This year is proving to be just as hectic as everyone said it would be, on completion of my dissertation along with the work running up to my December exhibition i was looking forward to a bit of studio time and some playful experimentation. With Organising MA applications and yesterdays big talk on how this is the time to really go all out, i can see my moment of relaxation disappearing. Despite this, there's a real exciting atmosphere in the studios, it feels like everyone is really ready to come together and exhibit and i think there will be some especially high standards of work. After finishing our two person exhibition and having complete creative control I must admit i was a little worried about exhibiting in such a jungle as an end of year show, its the other end of the spectrum to the type of exhibition i usually enjoy. Right now i have a very different perspective, this is probably the only time in my life where i will be in such an incredible position. I have 16 weeks to devise and make work for an amazing space with people who I've had a huge amount of interaction with. I have a studio to make work in and a wealth of people to discuss the making with. This is a really privilaged position for any artist and something i am going to take full advantage of.

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