Viewing single post of blog Beneath and beyond

Well, it’s been a very informative couple of weeks. I had a 1-2-1 session with Cathy Lomax, organised by Blue Monkey Network which was really insightful, looking at my overall practice. Plus an inspiring first mentoring session with Rosalind Davis in which we delved into the nitty gritty of what and why. I am now playing around with lots of words we came up with to sum up my work, aiming to produce a much more personal and specific statement. It also became clear that I need to step up my game in terms of images too. My paintings are very reflective so I spend time trying to minimise that in photographs, but by doing that I’ve lost some of their uniqueness. I think details of paintings showing their surface is the way to go, here’s an initial attempt:


It’s been a great experience so far, to spend time on professional development, thanks so much a-n. In that vein, I need to get back to the words…