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I have had some incredible conversations with Bridget, Annie and Heather this summer. With still more to come.

Later this month I’ll be travelling to Eindhoven, Holland, to meet with Annie there. I’ll also use the trip to visit Hannah James a good artist and friend of mine who’s currently studying at Piet Zwart in Rotterdam.

I’m really looking forward to being out of the UK and seeing what is happening elsewhere.

Something that I have thought about a lot, in fact over the past couple of years is how domestic my activities are, i.e. very UK based. I’ve thought a lot about different levels of confidence and what it takes to base oneself in another country for a period of time. Always in mind is the impact on personal life and those ties and committments. However, time does fly and this year I’ve met many people in and out of the art world who have taken the plunge to spend a chunk of time in another country. It’s making me think…..

I’ve recently completed my Symbol Archive project for Engagement Network http://www.engagementnetworksw.com/#!sovay-berriman–symbol-archive/ctar.

A major question in throughout this project has been where the artwork sits, in the experience or in a more concrete outcome? I arrived at a place where the artwork for me was very much in the relationships between the Contributors, myself and the gallery. However I also feel that it’s useful to have a tangible document of this process, so have produced a drawing, see the image above.