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Again it’s been some time, slightly less than three weeks so that has to be a good thing…

I’m reading Conversations on Sculpture edited by Glenn Harper and Twylene Moyer and finding it really useful especially how artists think and feel about the material that they use.

And one of the conversations I’ve read that springs to mind is Susan Canning and Richard Tuttle in which he says ‘In my work, I consider that I have a line-there’s a notion that each of us has a uniqueness, you don’t know where it comes from or what it’s for. Art has something to do with that uniqueness:what is achieving art for one person is completely different than what is achieving art for another person. I live a life in which I am sometimes in touch with my art. And I like to be in touch with that; I try to find it, I search for it every moment of my life.’

For me very poetic, I feel that I have a line and that I am constantly searching too

And today I’m literally working with the written line for my critical practice and the scratched line to further my drypoint experiments, so until soon