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The Chatter by Fivethreefiveproject is an audio piece combined with a photo album and journal, which allows the listener to add their own drawings of people in the cafe. It takes you through a journey of the Northern Quarter, where you get to meet some of its inhabitants. It plays on the idea of community and the cafe as a central meeting point, encouraging the listener to make eye contact with someone else in the room.

These are just snapshots of some of the art available to view at the Nexus Cafe, but is by no means an exhaustive list. To experience the exhibition in its entirety, a second or third viewing is encouraged to benefit and absorb everything on offer. Even if one thing isn’t your cup of tea, you can be guaranteed there will be something else that is.

Neck of the Woods continues at Nexus Art Cafe, Manchester until 11 April 2010.

This review was written by Liverpool-based independent reviewer Elaine Wilson. For further information about Elaine please visit www.futurelegendmusic.wordpress.com

Photographs Courtesy of Gareth Hacking, www.garethhacking.blogspot.com