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A really lovely linkage has just happened. Former studio mate at Core Gallery, Mo Negm just commented on my post #5 about the This ‘Me’ of Mine blogsite, he said:

“Interesting blogsite Jane, and an intricate subject matter – the nature and nurture, and circumstance. The delicate subject may bring out the vulnerabilities of the artists involved. Look forward to reading more.”

It is so curious because I left this comment for Anthony Boswell earlier today:

“These connections are wonderful and are the things which nourish us. It is an interesting question, do our memories ‘feed’ us as much as our live interactions? Memories form us and so do interactions; but where is the boundary between them and us and how do they affect us? Are each of us already a ‘museum of life’?

Anthony and I have been corresponding recently about ‘subject’ and finding the subject of a practice when influences and subject matter are already defined. As Anthony expressed in his blog, he is grappling with finding the subject of his work because of the fear involved in facing it; vulnerability.

We all face feeling vulnerable and exposed, something Mo suggests in his comment. Certainly, all the artists in This ‘Me’ of Mine, including Anthony, are dealing with this vulnerability in their work. Sarah Hervey, who is also in the show, said to me once, ‘I really admire people who let their vulnerability show, it’s their strength.’ She’s right. To be alive is to be vulnerable, to accept that vulnerability is the strength of living in truth.
