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Cultural Awards:

It is true this blog is never ending as it is not really about an event or a project, its about what informs the works, it is a model for other things, experiments, like a nursery for other more specific projects to develop and grow.

Recently I did start a return to painting and started making my own paints from different coloured clays and earths in the woods. I bought Kaolin, champagne chalk and something called alumina hydrate to mix with my home made pigments. These I got at http://www.apfitzpatrick.co.uk/home.htm a truly great shop. But of course things suddenly get busy and I think I will find myself working in a ruined Welsh Abbey instead….but what’s not to like about that eh?

Anyway the main reason for the post was to say ‘The Wildart Trail’ has been shortlisted in two catorgories as part of the Canturbury Cultural Awards.
