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Just Lost

Talking on my phone I was following paths running along the sides of some fields, I knew where I was ..ish. When I finished talking I realised the ‘ish’ was woefully inadequate. I walked in the direction I thought was good but I did not recognise anywhere, guessed it might be this way …..wrong and I am totally disorientated and lost. One field of wheat looks like the next and the next, lines of trees on the horizons all the same.

If I were from an uncontacted tribe in Brazil or an Eskimo then this storey is probably one I would never tell as it would probably make me a laughing stock in my community. ‘Got lost taking the dog for a walk’. loser.

What happened was after walking for a considerable while I recognised a view with a pylon. I had walked in the opposite direction for along time. It was along way back to the car and agonay as I could not confirm that I was definatley right and I had to walk through the woods as well to get back to the car park.

I have never been so overjoyed to see a rusted through wheelbarrow with a flat tyre. This confirmed another five minutes continuing along this woodland path will get me back.

When I got home my wife said ‘you were along time’. I replied ‘The woods …they operate on a different time scale to us’.