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Trying to Establish an Artist in residence position.

I have contacted the Kent Wildlife Trust who own alot of these woodland areas. I have arranged meetings with them and have had success in establishing that an artist in residence at the Blean is good, interestiing and possible. I have been collaborating with the community engagement officer and of course we now need to apply for funding grants etc, As the organisation is already a charity we are unable to apply to the same source twice. The Trust has a section for fund raising bids and their advice to us is get other organisations involved to strengthen our case for funding.

So……..will this be valuable outreach work with engaged stakeholders working in partnership or a set of randoms thrown in. Either way this has got past first base.

I have also been asked to produce ‘something’? for inclusion in a woodland festival fairly soon and I will be paid a modest sum for whatever that may turn out to be. Which is very encouraging and non prescriptive. My Long Horn cattle and Konic Ponies have been requested for display at this event already.

At this point ‘natural habitats’ is a common phrase, running parralell with this I will soon be starting another project in Ebbsfleet where it is all about new communities and human habitation. I’m Balanced…….. sustainable…… venacular ……..harmonious……circular….. and bio diverse at the moment!