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My project is now called ‘Wildart’ and I felt a little odd as other peoples agendas were streaming in, and my own interests sidelined. I was surprised how despondant I felt, because I knew funding would would change everthing. So what I’ve done is write down the really interesting things this partnership with the Kent Wildlife Trust will offer.

Its not about spending money to make art objects of superior quality, with intellectually driven motives: its about working with other peoples skills and knowledge to create something with what you’ve got access to, at no cost. This is a very different kind of creativity.

I am not allowed to use anything non native. materials like wire, cement, stone from a quarry are not allowed, so you can see how challengeing this will be. I can’t introduce any planting unless it is already growing there.

This is actually a fantastic opportunity to design stuff which requires other peoples expertise and skills etc. Here is an example; I can’t just go and buy a load of 3×2 and 6×1 tanalized timber and make some seating say. No No No…..no ‘but we have got some trees we can cut down’.

uh..kin..el…… that’s an approach which changes perspectives!

Having spent 25 years making stuff with slate from India, mosaic tiles from France, wood from somewhere like Canada, and landscape designers who take a trip to all the way to Holland to place an order for 7 trees of a particular type, to create a specific effect during autumn, in a public park in central England, quite close to the M1.

This then is a little more sustainable that.

Other peoples skills, equipment and resources are seemingly available to me. This includes specialist organisation outside the trust.

This looks like it might actually be really exiting.

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