My computer, having been recently wiped and refreshed, is now ready for dissertation action. I am researching early abstraction and getting to grips with the history of geometric abstract painting, before writing about contemporary reductive painting. I have found that alternating reading with drawing is helping me to absorb and reflect on the information. I’ll need to keep this going…

Our Fine Art Dept has moved into a refurbished building on the main Bucks campus. I can’t wait to see my space and to get painting. I have missed the studio over the summer, particularly after the intense working period running up to the professional practice exhibition. My studio ‘shed’ at home is full of canvases, paper, materials so it is difficult to work on a large scale, though I do enjoy working on a smaller scale there.

Hopefully we will have details of our tutorials, and the date for when we give a presentation of our dissertation plans, on Wednesday, our first day back.


Back to work after a great summer break. I’ll soon to be starting Level 6, in my fourth year.

The main focus of the next few months will be my dissertation, my proposal has been approved and I am now reading through a large pile of books to check I’m zoning in on the right area of the subject, I’m a way off making notes though, just several scrawled mind maps.

My previous posts documented the process of developing paintings for the professional practice exhibition of last semester. I think I might use the blog to record elements of the research that relate to my studio practice and may get lost along the way!


I went over to the gallery on the last day to spend time with the work, to look and write down my observations about the formal qualities and what I could see happening in each one and between them.

Movement- left to right, front to back, up and down. Repetition- above layer below layer, above layer below layer. Texture- caught in the weave, against impasto. Flickering -vibrant yellow pushes through the glazes. Eye keeps moving as hues combine. Harmonious hum. Complimentary buzz. Spatiality- formal, colour, tonal. Emerging- image, negative, positive. Tension- the centre, the edge. The plane and the side.

Continuous rippling between these elements.
