Viewing single post of blog Buckinghamshire New University

The order for my Professional Practice proposal, and the documentation was:

1-Organise an exhibition of my work

2-Make a website

3-Post on the a-n blog

The order that I will present tomorrow at the assessment is:

1- A-n blog

2- Make a website

3- Organise an exhibition of my work

Writing on the blog (and reflecting about it more than I have actually written), is surprisingly helpful. The act of filtering and forming thoughts into sentences alongside the painting is enabling me to position my work in relation to the world outside the studio and its internal culture.

During the process I have made several layouts for a website using Apple ‘iweb’. Gradually changing it from one full of art speak towards one that is clear, open and more of a suggestion of my activity. It was rather tight and confusing before with too much unresolved information. http://www.my-piper.com

The exhibition plans seem to have been straight forward and the work is almost ready. Good news, since we clear the studios next week. I won’t really get a proper idea of whether it is ready to exhibit until I decide how and which pieces to show on the installation day. Scary!