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Studio time will end tomorrow. I have one more opportunity to paint one more layer. Lemon yellow i sense.

Wednesday 10 am, is my level 5 assessment, and the end of the third year. The luxury of studying part time is the distance this can bring between, ideas and actions. I can now see patterns emerging in my choices and decision making. At the time I considered them to be either random or well thought out, for other reasons. I am seeing links and connections. Fluency developing in the language.

I am trying to prepare myself for the feelings I experience after an assessment, during the waiting period until the written feedback. Assessments are not tutorials.

Preparations for the exhibition are nearly complete, invites are on they way out. It will be a courageous act on my part to show the work if the assessment doesn’t go well! Perhaps I’ll save reading the feedback until August

Preparations of a different type are underway for Thursday…..