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The actual painting is now well under way. I started by using an Over Head Projector to project teaxt on to the wall. By using the OHP I was able to distort th eplanes of the surface creating optical illusions with the text. This is something I will explore further when I start adding images in to the work.

Just as an aside, I am as this project progresses getting to grips with my growing online empire. As well as this blog I have my own website and flickr pages. I am also involved with the re-design of the waygood's new website. From out of no-where the internet is starting to have a bigger and bigger impact upon the life of an artist. I am sure that there are artists out there who have never touched a computer, let alone up-loaded a photo and I am sure that they are happy and well. However for the comitted contemporary artist the potential of the web is just starting to unfold.