Final Paintings.

I’m working on the last few paintings before my cutoff date, to give them time to dry. One with the working title “Crime Season” is on its way, and interestingly I’ve moved away from oil paint all together in this piece, perhaps its my recent fascination with Gary Hume’s Door paintings, maybe I’m just getting a little tired of the age-old medium, perhaps I’m panicking that I’ll get tunnel vision. Either way, its good to use other mediums, it’s keeping me sharp. “Crime Season” is 5 X 4ft, using imagery from contemporary art, drawings, television & imagined spaces. Its in the same vein of thought as the “Isle of the Dead” paintings, but this one I think has the potential to have a lot more now-ness, feels more openly current, but its early days, we’ll see how it goes.


This Week in Short.

This week began with everyone moving into their respective spaces for the degree show, walls started moving and pieces have started some preliminary hanging. Tuesday saw the opening of (I am the space where I am) at Middle St, Stroud as a part of Site Festival that looked absolutely superb. Curated wonderfully and a special mention has to go to Harry Morgan’s “Forest” 2012 piece which I will try and get a photo of tonight, as it is stunning. Wednesday and Thursday were heavy studio days and three paintings (with one possibly going into the show) were finished. Also the Degree Show guide 2012 came out, which looks fantastic, and I am very grateful to have two of my images in the edition! Business cards arrived and I sorted out some curatorial notes on the show, started getting dimensions and figuring out how many paintings to put in (3). I had the pleasure of seeing the 2nd Year Fine Art Students shows at The Capitol Center, Milkwood and The Crofts, all Cardiff, all great conviction. I have an interview for Made in Roath Festival 2012 as a Creative Administration Assistant, which will hopefully all go well. As I mentioned earlier I’m off to Stroud again tonight for the opening of Site Festival and Darren Almond’s “Sometimes Still” solo show, which should be very exciting!


I was thinking today if aesthetics or linguistics have a bigger drive in artists’ practice. Meaning that aesthetics in terms of being able to understand and accept the work as a object that sets out to convey an idea or concept, or in the case of linguistics; is what the artwork says, and the manner in which is says it more important. Also how relevent is what art actually looks like nowadays, apart from the phenomenological point of view???