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Projection Platforms.

It feels like I’ve been making them for the entirety of my practice, but its only now its become apparent that I make projection platforms, these images that for me, help deal with the problem of the eclecticism of images I’m bombarded with, in a way that allows me to strive to create visually exciting and conceptually stimulating work. Essentially they allow me to make personal paintings that deal with ideas or themes that are central and intimate to me, yet might be peripheral to the audience, but still create an exciting platform that allows either emotional or visual projection.

Three are going to be in ‘The Perils of the Modern Alchemists’ and im currently working on a fourth and fifth, which will hopefully be done in the next week or so. Found an artist in the book ‘Berlin Art Now’ who has the same issue as me in their practice (drastically changing every few months or so), Bernhard Martin, he makes visually exciting and conceptually stimulating paintings, a dualism I think all great artwork has; and puts his ethos very clearly, which I’ll paraphrase terribly as I don’t have it to hand, “I wouldn’t want to make a painting concerning something that I didn’t adore.” Or something along those lines. More info on the progress of the projection platforms soon!

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