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Curatorial Nightmares.

The space (the walls) is pretty much ready to begin hanging & curation. This is a far bigger task than anticipated, given the awkward space I have. The angles in the architecture sometimes line up with the architecture of the paintings, is this slick coincidence, or a stroke of visual harmony. I’ve begun to hang two paintings that might not even go in the show, but I have to test every scenario, to maximize the space and paintings.

Position 1:

Recall left, Crime Season right.

Now this is the one that I prefer, I would love to show all new work like these two, but you cannot let a personal persuasion take over what will look best. The first thoughts on seeing this up was how commanding the Bitumen from Recall looked, but also how controlling and aggressive it was, however it does allow space for contemplation, because there is the shroud of the figures underneath. Inquisitive, would be the ideal word, however Crime Season next to it, looks a little disparate, not that this is necessarily a bad thing, they stand on their own, as coherent pieces, but standing alone.

Position 2:

Crime Season left, Recall right.

Just testing it. There are good points to it, it makes me see that they CANNOT be hung at the same height, there’s too many already occurring lines that match up, it looks somewhat gimmicky. The duality of aesthetics comes through quite well though! Also the border on Recall almost nulls and voids the slanted wall directly above it.

These choices are preludes to the full show, but every bit as essential to the process. If anything it clears up that Crime Season cannot go on the right, with Recall on the left, I think….
