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Less than two weeks left to finish work. Yikes!

I have 4 paintings left to do and then I need to decide which ones, if any need re-doing or further work on them.

I have decided to re-paint the very 1st painting of the set – ‘Magda’, as I was using a different palette range at the start (no white) and now it stands out as a misfit.

With the rest, there are about three that I am not so happy with for one reason or another. What I can’t decide is

(a) whether to totally re-do, probably quicker than option (b) as I have spare canvases built and ready to go

(b) try an re-work the parts I am concerned about, possible blending issues

(c) leave alone as they signpost the journey I have been on

While I finish off the last few I will mull over these options. I guess neither decision is wrong as long as its all documented in my supporting work.

I’ve been wandering around the studios looking a bit of a loony with my sound machine – headphones and mic, recording sound. I started by trying to engage people in a specific conversation about the journey they’ve been on throughout the duration of the course, but we all found that quite hard – becoming shy about being recorded. So I resorted to just setting the recorder up to record natural chatter. I have yet to edit any of it, but I have been and got advice about how to do this. Next weeks job me thinks – to play around with the 6 or 7 conversations I have recorded. I plan to overlay all the conversations, my aim being to create ‘babble’ rather than coherent identifiable conversations.

Tomorrow is our last ever tutorial, when voiced by my friend Ruth it felt a bit sad; little reminders that the whole experience is soon coming to an end :O(

I won’t even be there for the whole tutorial. I’m going along to the Q-art convener at the Slade in the afternoon. Put to the tutor that I had the opportunity to go as an invited party by Richard, to talk about my blogging experience, he totally encouraged me to go to that. So a busy and exciting day tomorrow.

Our tutorial is to explore documentation ideas and ensure we all know whats expected of us there. Hopefully I’ll have enough time to print out some stuff to take in examples of what I plan to do here.