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Apologies for previous slightly cryptic entry, been a bit tough these last few weeks. So much to do, so many pieces to pull together, so much to focus on…. then some bad news turns up and I wonder what the point is, why what I’m doing is important, in the scheme of things all this stress and anxiety is meaningless….

My niece’s (same age, like a sister) husband has cancer, had an op, complications, had another op, now needs chemo. Two kids under 5. Knocked them for 6, the family, me. Perspectives looming big and close! He got out of hospital this week so things are looking up and I spent the weekend with them and realise life goes on, we cope, we adjust as much as need be. We adapt. It was the shock, the ‘putting myself in her shoes’ aspect that choked.

It’s getting easier and in some ways burying my head in my work has helped a lot. Just reflecting on things has been difficult….


Things are in full swing in the studios. Making good. Painting. Installing comes next. After the risk assessments have been handed in and equipment checked.

I had to make a new stretcher in the end for my squinty painting. Worried a little that there might be more. But equally think I would have noticed before now. Although I was getting tired towards the end. Time will tell I guess.

I hope to start the install of my work today. At least get the sections bolted together, assemble the columns ready to hang, and check for any more squinty frames!

Spent yesterday on documentation, feel more comfortable now, it was beginning to overwhelm me… felt the task was running away from me, becoming unmanageable. But although I still have lots to do I can see it more clearly now.