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(please read 29 and 30 first, this is a continuation)

The rest of the week picked up. My friend got her work on the wall the next day – the batons worked and it looked amazing. We were both really chuffed for ourselves and each other.

This left the floor clear for the other guys to get their work in and up. This hadn’t been an issue as they were both still making their work and it hadn’t been ready for install up until now.

There was still a little tension between myself and the guy I’d had the words with over my sound piece. But not about that, that had been a non-issue in the end. No, it was more about the placement of his work within the room. He had two floor pieces, one a large display cabinet, and I was worried it would sit too far into the room and encroach on the viewing of my piece. While I understand that my work is likely to dominate the room from a size perspective and also that the work around it serves to compliment rather than argue with it from a viewing perspective – photographs, display case, prints, video pieces – I am also conscious that it has to have the viewing space required to actually take it in. My feeling was/is that it would also hopefully be a non-issue and all would be well in the end, but his attitude did nothing to assure me of this. In fact it only served to worry me.

Best thing I decided was to let things pan out before worrying too much about it, I still had loads to do. A sound piece still to build and book(s) still to make.

I took myself home to get on with these tasks having covered all my work in bubble wrap to protect it for now and while the floor is painted.

Our deadline was looming quick and fast – 6 days left till all our supporting work and documentation had to be in for marking. Then we’d be banished from the building till the day before the PV on the 17th…

These six days are just a blur. Everything took longer than anticipated, there were no major hitches, just long days and in fact the night before the deadline I didn’t get any kip at all, thats how close it was. Totally unplanned for. Thought I was in control of the time frame. Thought I’d easily make the deadline. How wrong I was. Compromises were even invoked – there were only 2 books, the third option of a box set of prints didn’t happen and the other two only had bare canvas covers – no time to paint or affix an image onto them.

All over now. Its all the hands of the gods now, I mean tutors.

Here’s hoping I’m pleased with the result they bestow. One thing for sure, I couldn’t have tried any harder. I couldn’t have been more committed. I am ecstatic with my achievement on a personal level, I think it looks great. I’ve had great feedback so far from my peers and one thing I hadn’t banked on was how much the speakers resemble cameras, cctv in fact, bringing me full circle on my journey.

Two weeks now till the PV, got the fated painting to re-paint. My website still to update, my chosen book to get to the printers and other marketing material to sort, postcards I think… so no rest yet!

Before I forget:


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