Since my last post, a couple of architecture students from UCA have snuck in as the next ‘booking’ as they will be using the space in a week’s time for a Design and Build workshop, out of which will come a moveable structure that will sit in the space and that can be used for projections.

Hopefully artists will also want to book it. Like all organisations, DAD is having to look to maintain a diversified income stream. Fortunately we have not been affected by the ‘cuts’ as we are not a regularly funded organisation, but here in Kent the axe has fallen pretty heavily on some, while others have been spared or have even seen their funding increased.

August is beginning to feel very close – MA show starts at the end of August and I realise I now have to work really hard.

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Actually, first studio booking is not correct – it is the second booking as I did manage to let space to a photographer in February for a week. However, this let is for four months, which makes it the first “long” let! It’s to artist Lucy Steggals who will be working in Dover on a project called D.overtime. She will be working with community groups who want to learn how to make films/content for the Live Site in the market square (BBC Big Screen).


Great, we have our first studio booking for a project starting in May and it looks as if the studio will be used for another project involving re-used timber in June. And before all that UCA architecture students may use the space in April.

All very exciting.

It takes time to get things going but I think it has been worth hanging on for the right kind of project. I would really like the studio to acquire an identity as a working space – as a former industrial space the idea of it being a place of “industry” is very apt.

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Interest in the studio is building slowly. A UCA student who lives in Dover and is graduating in June is very interested which is great.

I don’t think he could quite believe that this quality of space is available in Dover.


So, taking on board the feedback on my presentation, I have abandoned the small drawings and am working bigger and in a less controlling way. I managed to spend several hours in the studio and the only large piece of paper I had being a roll of tracing paper I worked with that.

Handling the paper was a big challenge for me and it has got some tears but I suppose they can be mended and it’s all part of the process.

“It’s sometimes easier if there are two of you” was what I was thinking as I was struggling to get the paper tacked to the wall, and wondered whether that would make a good title.

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