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Another full day on the course, reflecting on yesterday, learning and practising new skills, asking questions and sharing ideas. The process of identifying intention seemed to be a very pertinent one for me, facilitating a consideration about the point of a conversation or naming the desired outcome. Recalling a digital making conversation with engineer Derek Hillyard about Design Intent, I have been pondering about where intention fits in with art practice and particularly process led art practice.

1 aim, purpose, intent, objective, object, goal, target, end; design, plan, scheme; resolve, resolution, determination; wish, desire, ambition, idea, dream, aspiration, hope.

2 deliberateness, intentionality, intent, design, calculation; premeditation, preconception, forethought, plan, planning, pre-planning, advance planning, prearrangement, malice aforethought.

ANTONYMS inadvertency; accident.