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Well it’s out of my hands.

Assessment began on Wednesday, the show opens on Friday. This seems like a good time to reflect on what I’ve got from the last three years.

The work ethic is the key, I think. Working with energy, on more than one thing at a time and, the most difficult thing for me, without fear of failure.

My practice seems to have evolved into the production of multi-layered, multi-media installations around ideas of home and identity. Multi layers offer the opportunity to reinforce an idea through rhythm, rhyme and repetition, multi media allows for the introduction of unease through juxtaposition of seemingly disparate media or ideas.

This ‘multi’ approach is borne of having the same approach to the making process, hence the importance of working on more than one thing at once, that’s how the happy accidents and interesting juxtapositions come about.

I was thinking about this the other day and thought of a reproductive analogy: asexual reproduction is energy efficient and dependable and predictable; sexual reproduction is energy inefficient and unpredictable, sometimes a combination of genes will produce a stillbirth or a monster, but it may produce a genius or extraordinary beauty. It’s the mixing and cross-fertilisation that produces the magic.

So, work like fuck, that’s the motto for the studio wall.