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I am currently working on my final pieces ready for the show. There is only a matter of weeks left and much to do. I am painting, which is something i am not used to. I have always worked with mixed media, but i am begining to fall in love with paint. I look forward to continuing to explore it once the course is over and find my own style and visual aid.

At the moment i am painting from my polaroid images. The photos are greyscale but there is so much depth in colour that i intend to enritch it to show its potential.

I am enjoying the subject. I have always been fasinated by memory and human behaviour, and i am intrigued by our ability to avoid the ‘unconventional’ and consider it to be ‘ugly’. Why do we feel a need to brand beauty and ugly? I aim to discover the potential of beauty in the most unlikly of places. To celebrate and draw attention to the things that remain unnoticed and unseen.

It is such a wide project and i feel i will not be able to cover as large an area as i would like in the time i have left. But i am sure that i will continue to explore this concept after University.