Why is it always so late in the evening when you are desperate for sleep and one last thought hits you that you really must finish, or think through, or consider before you finally switch off the technology and try to empty your head before sleep catches you up?I have spent all day working in my day job looking at spreadsheets until my head really hurts, my eyes are fed up of seeing squares and numbers and I am desperate to progress with my challenge and find it's too late really to constructively do anything. I've looked over the Wirral Met project blog to see what has been added since they returned from Utah; the images of the artist's books look fantastic, I can't wait to hear all about it.

I looked through Emily Speed's blog last night, which I find a captivating read. I agree with her sentiments about blogging; I find that it does sharpen your thought process and it makes you look deeper into what you are doing. For me there is often an imaginary other when I am writing; I try to converse with them to clarify my thoughts and find my hands waving around to seek out the words I am looking for. I know; someone lock me up!