I can’t believe it, I went to do my recycling today and ended up being part of a protest about fracking, so I did what seems to be a common theme in my work, I started a new piece of art work. To find out more and to follow this art piece go to.



31st January 2014

I sat at my computer wondering what I should write about today on my a-n blog, however, I got bored and decided to look on my e-mails and there was an e-mail from upworthy. Straight away I was hooked, I love upworthy and they always have films that fill my emotions. Films that make me cry, films that make me laugh, films that educate me and others that would make me angry to my soul. This time it was a film about nutrition.

See the link below to read the rest of my conversation it’s over 700 words so I can’t fit it in this blog.



Well, it’s been a few days since I last wrote in this blog but I have been busy. My website is up and running and I’ve been creating.

Last time we spoke I talked about creating my Artists Statement and the reasons for my work. I felt that my work was emotionally led and when I took this on board my work seemed to flow so easily it felt like a breath of fresh air. I started to feel easy with my ideas and open to talking about them that I didn’t care what people thought. My art, my conversations are important to me and they come from me, I can’t change who I am and where my ideas take me. The liberation that I felt was actually beyond words.

So, welcome to my world and if my conversations are not to your liking, c’est la vie! There’s always a few beautiful images that I create as I do like to make a good images once in a while. It makes me feel like a real artist, analyse that if you must.

I’ll post a couple so that you can see what I’ve been up to. I’ll also put a link to my website and twitter so you can keep up to date with my conversations.