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Yesterday was a strange day for me and my practice. I woke up the normal time, did the normal morning routine, got the kids ready for school and was looking forward to a day of making images with sparklers when all of a sudden, I looked out in to the garden and saw the start of an amzing red sky. So, big change of plan, I grabbed my camera bag, my hat, my gloves, my boots and a toasty coat and headed for Sale water park as I wondered what the red light would look like reflected by the marsh land and water.

However, when I got there all that awaited me was grey skys and a whole lot of mud. But, I had such fun, I took loads of images, got very muddy and walked for miles. The end result, loads of ideas on what to do with the sky images that I’ve been taking over the last few months. At first, I took a few sky images but they just didn’t seem to be working, so I changed tact and looked at the darkness of the bare trees and suddenly the light became brighter. I also looked at how the light is reflected in the water, even the grey sky created flecs of light that danced on the surface.

I was really surprised that even if a sky looks grey, its amazing how much light is still there. It also made me wonder about the skys of China, where they have so much air pollution, what images could be created to collect the light from it. I googled some images and they were fantastic, but very sad, I couldn’t image having the light taken away from me, it feels like a human right to look up in to the sky and just take in the warmth of the sun or the comfort of the nights sky.

Anyway enough of my ramblings, I’ve included one of the images from yesterday and will do another update tomorrow. Today is a day of kids parties and housework, the joys of an Artist that happens to be a wife and mother.

This blog is also really helping my practice, I’ve never analysed my work so much since uni. Take care all, and thank you a-n.